Saturday, August 29, 2009

第一次体验的饥饿30活动 ......22/23 AUG 09


第一次参加也是第一次做队长。。哈哈。。是一个很难忘的回忆=)说真的开始我还说要参加一次就够了。。可是参加过后的答案是:我明年,后年,大后年还要参加!!! XD 由于因为H1N1,来参加的人数少了很多。。不过还算多啦。。。原本我和一大班朋友要一起参加的。。怎知到最后剩下我和韦良两人。。。不过来日方长,一定还有下次的! =)


第一次做队长可是却没队员。。。好可怜。。T.T 都怪H1N1啦!不过这样也好。。因为我可以每一队都参与!!哈哈。。。XD



其中的游戏还能让他们体验难民的生活。。。为了养活一家而成为犯法劳工。。XD 还会有警察扫场!! XD

哈哈。。。卖淫,童工,运毒 我们能够让你赚到钱去养家哦。。。。 XD

这算是我的队员吧。。。 哈哈。。因为Fred 不会华语而这队参赛者大多都说华语。。所以我就参与他的队帮帮忙咯。。。。XD

我们都是饥饿30勇士!! 哈哈。。多谢Soma 不停呼吁我们参加。。==”

Yen,我和韦良。。XD 看来韦良要多谢我带他来。。要不然他不会认识到美女咯!! XD 开心死他。。。XD

我们组里的唯一男参赛者Brayn。。 =)



哪管H1N1! 我们要勇敢赶走饿势力!! 哈哈。。。我们都熬过了20多小时了。。。=)



更高兴的是“阿妹”的出现!! 当她出现时场面超热闹的!!就算饥饿了将近30小时,在场的每个人都跟随她一起载歌载舞!!XD 超HI 的!

倒数的场面也很热闹哦。。。。 气氛很很很棒勒!!

大家的手上都拿着豆奶。。。3 2 1 !! yeah!!! 我们挨过了30小时!!! XD
所以2010年的饥饿30希望我不会错过哦!! XD

Friday, August 21, 2009

Phang And Keong's BIG day !! =)

14/7 : Phang Phang's big day !! yea... we threw him a suprise party where none of us tell him that the UUM gang is coming back to Kajang !! XD...

We turned up at his house with the birthday cake !! =) Im happy that mostly everyone of us make it to his house .... =) Hope he get touched with that ..... xP

*group pic*

hahaha... things that we can't miss !! hahaha... looks like he was being punch ! hahaha...
Next time if you all wana do something like this... haha... buy BLUE BERRY CAKE !! ....hahaha..

We spent a few hours at his house chit chatting .... This is the most enjoyable time I have whenever we have time to sneak around and chat chat with them ... =)

15/7 : celebrated Keong's birthday earlier ... =) we went to Sing K ... bowling and jalan jalan ... =)

Well.... we didnt tell him that we actually palnned to celebrate his birthday but yea... I guess he already knew it somehow... XD...

Not everyone was there but yea... still okay la... we never sing K together for about a year plus I guess.... hahaha....

Forgotten to bring along the camera ... So ... use phone la... and the pictures of cause will be a bit blur la... BUt at least we manage to snap down some nice memory together ... =)

hahaha... this time no BLUE BERRY CAKE .... so don't hv that seriuos look ... hahaha...xP

Im always glad to have you guys around with me =) really ... although you guys now studying far far away from kajang .....~~~ ...

Anyhow ... the distance from kajang to the north will never pull apart the distance between the heart of US ... =) yeah !!!! thats what we call a friend !! =)

Final words .... good luck to both of you ... =) all the best always and all of us will looking forward to our next coming trip !! yeah !! =)

Currently working on Sunsilk Campus Tour .... yea.. tired but still I have fun working with the team XD..... oh ya! BTW Im going to 30hours famine !! hope I will have a lotz of fun there !! =)